Thursday, May 6, 2010

I Made A Vow....

It has really been a busy time for me! The Lord has given me so many opportunities to share my faith and morals, even though it wasn’t easy. There will always be persecution no matter what your talking about. I hold it very high that I plan to wait for marriage to have sex and I have no problem talking to others about it. I take it very seriously my vow to side hug guys. I also hold it high that I will not date during high school. It does get hard when you see tons of couples around, but I know that God has allowed it to be an opportunity for me to draw closer to Him. I love the discussions I have with people about “side-hugs” and no dating. They have never heard of such a thing (I blame Joshua Harris for my new found way!). I continue to strive at making it known and being an example as Paul told Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:12. I know in my heart that He will show me in His perfect timing who my husband is. While I am single though, I am able to draw close to him and make a personal relationship with Him first. We should never forget our first love and my first love is Jesus.

Even though I don’t agree with dating for several reason, I don’t put down others for that choice. I don’t know anyone who agrees with my personal decision but they do understand and crazy enough they are supportive. What I tell them is that God called me to do this, and He doesn’t call everyone. I know that in elementary school I was “in love” with any boy that said “hi” to me. If I continued to do that I would have a very long list of boyfriends! I do pray for several of my friends who are in committed relationships and for many friends and family members who have been broken hearted. I take comfort in Psalm 34:18 “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit”. It is scary to think about getting hurt, because its almost unavoidable. But it is nice to know that I serve a God who is bigger than that. I am very strong in my quest to keep my vows that I made to my Father, even in my young age. I wear a ring that will one day be swapped for a wedding ring my future spouse will give me. Until then it represents being married to Christ. I made a vow at an even younger age about abstinence before I put this ring on. But on September 22, 2007 I made it a symbol so all could see. I pray daily for that man and for the Lord to show me. I never know when, it could be soon it could be years. I know that my relationship with Him is so amazing that it will be clear. So to anyone who is reading this, I hope you will see that you’re worthy of an amazing man or woman. God will give that to you! He designed that relationship but you need to be patient. Even if that means not getting married for a long time. He is faithful in showing and faithful in providing. Don’t doubt. Don’t give in. Just wait.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is great that you want to wait on the Lord for the man HE wants for you. I'm praying for you little lady. xoxo
